There are times in our lives when we finally get out of the funk and fog of our past just far enough, that a clearing starts to take place in our minds. Maybe we begin to believe we can and should do something we have wanted to do for a very long time, where the impossible starts to look possible. It could be going back to school or turning a hobby into a business. Perhaps we want to leave a relationship that has lingered on too long and is hurting everyone. It could be a risky career change or leaving your town to live a new adventure somewhere else that is calling to you. It could be overcoming an addiction, asking forgiveness or rekindling a broken relationship. When the clearing starts to happen, and we begin to see the path of possibility in ourselves widening, we often need help to make the journey. Maybe we need a little extra money or a place to stay where we are safe. Perhaps we need some tools, favors or just some moral support and encouragement. In moments like this, we may turn to our friends and family, only to discover that the community of people who have known us the longest can't see the same clearing or vision. The clearing is often only happening for us, and those who love us most cannot see or believe in our nascent visions, because they can only see yesterday. But if you have a deep desire to move forward, a way is being prepared for you.
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