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Monday, 11 May 2015

Journey to know who we truly are...

It is often the case, that if we endeavor on the journey to know who we truly are, we must be willing to stand completely unarmored, on the precipice of our life, and begin the journey through the gateways of our deepest wounds. 

We are required to dive deep and experience these places with unrelenting curiosity and interest-in a way we never have before. We allow ourselves to stand naked, without neutering any of the feelings that arise, and allow ourselves to experience the full burden and weightiness of these wounds in our we travel deeper and deeper, we come to know that remarkably, and perhaps counter to what our mind has always told us, that we will in fact survive allowing ourselves to experience these painful is precisely in this "seeing", that awareness has the opportunity to slip in, creating space, and we come to know all the ways that we have been imprisoned by the mistaken belief that we are in fact these wounds. This is a remarkable day when seeing what we are not allows us to know who we truly are. So will you turn away? Perhaps this time you don't let your mind decide and just dive right in........You are in fact, waiting for You....!!!!! 

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